Creative Task
This project represents the beginning of your final years study and your transition towards a creative
career. In order to make this transition successful it is important to further refine your creative
methodology and practical output (Pipeline). This will demonstrate to a potential employer that you
are able to function in a professional capacity and possess a skill base applicable to your chosen
creative field.
1) Proposals
Before starting this project you are asked to write a proposal which outlines the type of project you
wish to undertake. This will typically contain the following details:
The Type of Project: For example, Character Design, Animated Short, or Digital Set.
Area of Study: The subject area or research frame work you wish to explore.
Potential ideas: Starting points for development.
Outcome / Goals: What the outcome may of the project may be.
A Timetable of Study: An overview of how you may complete this project.
You will also be asked to repeat this process later in the project to re-outline the proposal after it has
been developed and refined.
2) Group Work
Group work is possible but only with the approval of tutors. Decisions will be based upon a project
proposal and the individuals involved.
3) Timetable
Weeks 1 - 2: Proposal: (See Above)
Weeks 3 – 5: Research, Concept Development, and Pre-Production *
* At this stage a project green, orange. or red light will be given.
Weeks 6 – 11: Development & Production *
* The interim critique will be held during this period. Your presentation should include: Your
concept overview, all research work, concept art, storyboards, pre-viz animatic, preproduction,
and production work to date.
* Project Proposal: At this stage you are asked to re-write and re-submit a project proposal
taking into account the current status of the project.
Weeks 12 – 14: Post-production & Submission
Submission Requirements
1) Digital Work
All work on a clearly labelled and professionally presented on DVD(s).
All work to be copied onto a specified studio computer and play tested*.
* Details of this will be given to you closer to the submission date.
Please note:
The use of inappropriate formats and codecs can cause viewing problems. Please
check in advance that your work plays on all computers. No time extensions will be given to
students due to these issues or adhoc submission practices - Please ensure you take these
requirements very seriously.
2) Supporting Work
A making of document
A fully up to date online blog:· A .PDF version of your blog
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