Tuesday 22 February 2011

Essay Plan

     - introduce question
     - explain research sources used
     - brief order of points raised

1.      Paragraph
-       Definition of Narrative structure
-       Mention three act structure and Non linear
-       ‘Narration refers to a mechanism that determines how narrative information is conveyed to the film spectator.’ (Buckland, 2003: 53)
-       Unpick evidence in terms of how structure is vital for the audience to understand the story
-       Conclude by linking to the next paragraph about the use of non linear in Citizen Kane

2.      Paragraph
-          Definition of  Non linear narrative in terms of technique, for example flash back and cross dissolve
-          Mention further how these techniques create the illusion of memory
-           ‘New wave directors feel free to ignore these conventions if the viewer was able to identify the passing of time through what was happening in the narrative.’ (Rowe, 2008: 106)
-          Explain this in terms of how viewer is experiencing a scene through a character’s account of what happened
-          Conclude by linking to next paragraph about how viewer develops understanding of viewer.

3.      Paragraph
-          Begin with theory of previous paragraph of memory and how the accounts are perceived by the audience.
-          Lead onto to the journalist talking to people close with Kane.
-          ‘A film can look to the remote past or probe the distant future: it can make a few seconds seem like hours or compress a century into minutes.’ (Boggs and Petrie, 2004: 2)
-          Explain the how the non linear approach goes to different time eras to let the story play out and not give any hints to the audience.
-          Conclude by linking to next paragraph about how non linear structure is gradually progressing of a transformation within the character

4.      Paragraph
-          Define the technique of a dangling cause
-          Mention how this is keeps suspense in a film.
-          ‘Kristen Thompson defines the dangling cause as information or action that leads to no effect or resolution until much later in the film.’ (Buckland, 2003: 39)
-          Explain how the quote how this is an effective technique for making the audience unaware of where the story could be leading them.
-          Conclude by linking to next paragraph of how a dangling cause is used in Citizen Kane to loop round the powerless position as a child and how these feelings are repeated in the second wife Susan.

5.      Paragraph
-          Begin with recap of dangling cause
-          Mention about the gradual transformation within Kane.
-          ‘In Citizen Kane, director Orson Welles uses camera angle to evoke young Charlie Kane’s boyhood feelings of bewilderment and powerlessness in his new foster home ... To magnify Charlie’s feelings of helplessness, Welles shoots the man towering above him, from the boys point of view, using an extremely low camera angle that forces viewers to look up to this figure...’ (Prince, 2010: 18)
-          Reflect how this refers to the sort of man Kane will become and how the scene is replicated in the argument scene between him and Susan using the same perspective and camera angle to make this clear to the viewer.
-          Conclude by linking to next paragraph of the technique of flash cut.

6.      Paragraph
-          Define the technique of flash cut
-          How the sequence is fast so that viewer takes in a lot information
-          How the tempo of the clips can have a hidden metaphor
-          Conclude by linking to next paragraph of the scene of Susan forced to do the opera performance using the flash cut technique

7.      Paragraph
-          Introduce flash cut and used in opera scene
-          How this scene displays hidden metaphor for Susan’s illness and unable to go through pressure to audience.
-          ‘Like sculpture, film manipulates three dimensional space. But, like pantomime, film focuses on moving images, and as in dance, the moving images in film have rhythm.’ (Boggs and Petrie, 2004: 2)
-          Explain how the quick sequence seems to have a rhythm because of how the scene represent the returning pressure and criticism and then slowing down with light bulb fading out.
-          Conclude briefly viewer's reaction and perception of Charlie Kane
-          Sum up key points of  non linear techniques used in Citizen Kane and how this changes the viewer’s perception of the character of Charlie Kane
-          The strengths and weaknesses of non linear structure in the film.

  I was given a plan structure by Tracey as a basic structure to work off and this is what I did with it. I have also shown this completed plan to Tracey and felt that it was strong and ready to begin writing up the essay.

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