Monday 3 October 2011

Individual task - Timeline Break down

During the group meeting on Thursday, Alan set us an individual task of taking a trailer and breaking it up to look at how it has been set up within the time limit. I have chosen to analyse Ice Spiders as it has a simliar theme and plot idea to what our group want's to do and to look at it more closely might help us with certain shots and timing issues that we may come across.

This is the original trailer

The Timeline

Parental Guidance - 5 seconds

Logo Indent - 4 seconds

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Establishing shot - Ice Caps - 3 seconds

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Text and ice sound - 3 seconds

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Vision of Spider - 2 seconds

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Text - 2 seconds

Soldier shouting 'Mummy' then screams and camera tilts up - 2 seconds

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Text - 2 seconds

Fade in and out from black

Spider walks into shot - 3 seconds

Text - 3 seconds

Fade in and out from black

Characters looking down a shaft - 2 seconds

Graph increases on screen and cuts to the woman realising this - 3 seconds

Fade in and out from black

Chaaracters wondering through webbing - 2 seconds

Text and sound of ice returns - 3 seconds

Fade in and out from black

Characters sliding down slope - 2 seconds

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Lab and flashes of a black screen, narration begins - 2 seconds  

Characters investigating - 1 second

Fade in and out from black - 1 second

Spiders crawling in the snow - 2 seconds

Fade in and out from black

Spider entering from above - 2 seconds

Fade in and out from black

Characters sking then pans round to see reflection in the spider's eyes - 5 seconds

Small spider chasing character into the bus - 2 seconds

Victim webbed up - 1 second

Woman character screaming - 2 seconds

Characters trying to attack spider - 3 seconds

"We Need More Soldiers" - 3 seconds

Flashes between above shot and spiders crawling - 2 seconds

Spiders fight back - 7 seconds

Spider crawling in darkness (shadow suggestion) screams in background - 2 seconds

Narration runs through cast flashes quick between them and spiders crawling - 7 seconds

Spider heads in direction of the screen (close up) - 1 second

Fades in and out from black - 1 second

Title of film appears - 2 seconds

Fades in and out from black - 1 second

Shot of victim warning other character - 2 seconds

Fades in and out from black - 1 second

Final credits - 4 seconds

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